Trillium Hill Plantings for the Town Hanging Baskets

Just a little update of the great work done on Sunday at Trillium Hill.  We are so grateful to Dave and the crew who let us use the equipment and the facilities to pot up the 40 big planters.  Then they grow the plants so that the display will be abundant in May when they are placed out along Main Street and Christie Street.

Our team spent a day in the sunshine and warmth of the greenhouses, a little glimpse of May weather and how enjoyable it is in the summer.

Help Save Our Bees…Don't Use these Insecticides!

We were thankful to receive this list from George Scott at our last Grimsby Garden Club meeting. Please pass this information along!

Grimsby Garden Club March NewsFlash

Meeting - Monday, March 30th  at 7:00 pm

7:00pm start time. Coffee and refreshments will be available from 7:00pm until 7:30.  For you coffee and tea drinkers, it would be great if you could bring your own mug to the meetings to save us some time on clean up. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm.
Speaker: Malcolm Geast
Malcolm Geast is the OHA photographer, archivist and serves on the OHA Web Committee. He is fascinated by the world of insects.  He has documented this world in miniature in thousands of photographs mostly taken in his own garden. 

Topic:  Beautiful Bugs

There used to be a time when bugs were the enemy of gardeners. Times have changed. More and more gardeners realize that insects play an invaluable role in a healthy garden. They fill the role of scavengers, breaking down organic matter. They work tirelessly as pollinators.  They attract wildlife.   Even some of the nastier and more destructive bugs like earwigs and aphids have important roles to play as food sources for birds and other insects. Malcolm’s presentation will give you a whole new appreciation of insects and other miniscule garden critters.

Upcoming Events and News:

Town of Grimsby Hanging Baskets – Rescheduled March 29 - 1:00pm
Trillium Hill, 471 Main Street West.   Join in to plant this year’s baskets.  Enjoy a day in the garden ahead of the curve. 

The Photography Show and Competition -  April meeting.  Check out our blog for all the information on how to get your pictures ready.

1.               “Solitary Beauty”-  Portrait – single bloom
2.               “Autumn Interest”
3.               “Kitchen Harvest” - Edible
4.              “Little Fellows” - Insect(s) or Bird(s)
5.               “A Garden Scene”
6.               “It’s Up to You” - Member’s Choice

Whistling Gardens Bus Trip – Saturday June 27, 2015
Join in the fun and see both Whistling Gardens and Bonnieheath Lavender and Winery Estate.  There will be a guided tour of each garden.  Lunch on the grounds of Whistling Gardens is included in the fee. This is a co-event with the Lincoln Garden Club.  The fee is $65.00 a person via cash or cheque due at the April meeting to keep your space.

Home and Garden Show – April 17th & 18th, 2015
Get the dirt from the Grimsby Garden Club.  Drop in at our booth with your questions and ideas.  New members are eligible to enter the raffle for a gardener’s gift basket.  Peach King Centre, Grimsby.  Friday 4pm – 8pm and Saturday 9am – 4pm.  Admission is free.

Flower Design Class with Lil Howarth –  Tuesdays - April  21st,  28th,  May 5th,  12th, 2015
We are offering this 4 week floral design class taught by Lil Howarth,  accredited design judge.  There are 4 weekly sessions 7:00pm – 9:00pm.  The course fee is $50.  The location is The Pump House, 447 Elizabeth Street, Grimsby.   Contact Beth Sommers at 905-945-1033 for more information and to register.

Our Annual Plant Sale – Saturday in May to be finalized due to cold spring  
Our annual plant sale will be at the Livingston Activity Centre, 18 Livingston Avenue, Grimsby.  It’s time to start looking at what can be divided and potted up for the sale – your wonderful garden plants make it all possible. You may have perennials, shrubs, small trees, herbs, vegetables, bulbs, day lilies and house plants to contribute. Contact Beth Sommers at 905-945-1033 to volunteer, to get help digging, to be a drop-off location, and for more information.  Friday set-up and Saturday morning sale 9:00am till sold out. 
Ontario Horticultural Association District Annual General Meeting - Saturday April 25, 2015 Hosted by the Lincoln Garden Club. The theme is Spring at Balls Falls’ and speakers include Lester Fretz ‘Propagating Plants Profitably’ and Victoria Bick ‘Dundurn Castle and its Kitchen Garden’.  There is a floral design, horticultural, display and photography show and competition. Fee is $10.00 and parking is free. Place: Balls Falls 3292 Sixth Avenue, Jordan ON, L0R 1S. Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm.  More information at:

Grimsby Garden Club Photography Show and Competition April 2015

Photography Show and Competition

Show entries may be placed any time after 6:15pm up to 7:15pm

Please do not remove until 9:30pm

1.      Photos must be taken by the exhibitor within the last 24 months.
2.     Prints may not have been be submitted to any previous GGC or District 9 photographic competitions.
3.     One entry per Class per exhibitor is permitted.
4.     All prints must incorporate some horticultural content. Some latitude permitted in class 4.
5.     Prints may be in colour or black and white.
6.    For purposes of adjudication, no distinction will be made between black and white and colour images.
7.     For purposes of adjudication, no distinction will be made between images produced from digital or film origins.
8.    Actual prints (portion submitted on photographic paper) must be a minimum of 4” x 4” and not exceed 4” x 6”.
9.    Discretion is advised regarding the inclusion of people and pets in photographs submitted for adjudication.
10.  Prints must be mounted on a 5” x 7” piece of white cardboard or paper.
11.    Affix entry tag to the bottom right corner of photo.

1.              “Solitary Beauty”-  Portrait – single bloom
2.              “Autumn Interest”
3.              “Kitchen Harvest” - Edible
4.             “Little Fellows” - Insect(s) or Bird(s)
5.              “A Garden Scene”
6.             “It’s Up to You” - Member’s Choice

For more information:

Marilyn Cornwell             905-309-0306