Grimsby Garden Club NewsFlash July 2016

Saturday, July 23rd 10:00am - 3:00pm Member Garden Tour and BBQ

We are sold out of tickets for our self-guided tour of five fabulous Trillium and Garden of the Month award winners.  The tour completes with a casual BBQ of hamburgers and gourmet sausages from Fifty Point Market.  Saturday, July 23, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  This special member guest event is open to members and guests only.  Thanks so much for your member support!

2016 Field Trip Monday July 25th 2016 6:00pm to Dynamic Daylilies

Our field trip this summer is to Dynamic Daylilies, located at 4500 South Service Road in Beamsville.  John Burgener has the hybridizing bug and will give us a guided tour of his daylily hybridizing program.  We'll be able to see many daylilies that will be in bloom.  There will be plants for purchase, too.

Following our tour, we will meet at the Syndicate for snacks and beverages.

2016 Summer Trillium Program

The Trillium Program nominations closed on June 30th with almost 90 front gardens nominated, and over 110 nominations received. Thanks to everyone who made our first year of nominations a resounding success.  The program recognizes beautiful front gardens, viewable from the street in residential, condo, apartment, commercial and business environments.  We are pleased to have such beautiful gardens in Grimsby.  Judging is now underway.  To find out all about the Trillium Program, go to our website here.  

Thanks to our Gold and Silver Sponsors who made advertising possible to advertise so people could nominate their favourite gardens.

Proposed Increase in Membership Fees

The board is recommending that Grimsby Garden Club membership fees increase a little, with single membership moving to $15.00 and family membership to $20.00.  This will cover the costs of around $7.00 paid for each member to the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA). The OHA provides us with insurance coverage, yearly conventions, regular district meetings, newsletters, our website hosting and service, and sponsors horticultural exhibits and awards.  They are a significant source of horticultural and environmental information. 

What happens to membership fees?  Membership fees, along with revenue from the plant sale and similar activities, pay for monthly speakers, the Elm Street and hanging basket plantings, student scholarships, materials for market days, the home and garden show, and more.  To find out about our revenues and expenses, you can see the financial statements posted on our bulletin board on the back wall of the Livingston Centre.  For questions contact us at or call Beth Sommers, our President, at 905-945-1033. 

The increase will be introduced as a motion in the September meeting, and the membership will be asked to vote on the proposal. 

June 2016 Flower Show Winners

Horticulture Awards
Gillespie Award       Highest aggregate points in roses                 Gillian Wood
Tausky Award         Highest aggregate points in perenni              Sharon Belfry
Fleming Award        H
ighest aggregate points in shrubs, trees or vines  Gillian Wood
Tomlinson Award     Best in Show, Horticulture                            Gillian Wood

Design Awards

Cole's Award             Best in Show, Design                                    Sharon Belfry
Holdsworth Award    Highest aggregate points in design               Gillian Wood

Photography Awards 
Best in Show                                                                                  Ernie Yemm
Most points      (tie)                                                                       Ernie Yemm  &                                                                                                       Sandra Yemm

Prizes donated by Cocoon, De La Terre Kitchen and Objects to Desire

Bee Houses for Sale $20.00
There are some solitary bee houses still available for purchase.  Please consider supporting our environment!