you happen to be driving on Main Street, please slow down for 135 Main Street
West to admire Brenda Mater’s striking garden. Notice the large white birch
with white moon-like lights nestled in the surrounding pachysandra. The armour stone rock garden flows along the
property covered with geraniums, red lilies, mums, a variety of hosta, green
and white iris and campanula. The bright pink impatiens, the orange lilies, and
the purple dahlias look beautiful amidst the green and white hosta. Emerald
cedars and grasses provide winter interest.
A purple sand cherry sets off a clump of red geranium and a tall red
canna lily. Her little vignettes of red and textured greens make this a very
appealing garden. Thank you for helping beautiful Grimsby.
gardens are chosen based on our criteria for curb appeal, colour design, and