Monday, February 29th at 7:00pm
Our meeting is Monday the 29th and starts with social time. Coffee, tea, and treats will be waiting for you.
Speaker: Connie Dam-Byl
Connie is the granddaughter of William Dam, who founded the seed company, and takes great pleasure in working at his desk, using the same scales and tools as he did.
She has worked for the company throughout her life, and now focuses on the flower side of the business: trialing new flowers, buying seed, and preparing the seed for packaging and selling. Connie and her brother are both judges for the All America Selections, and she is also involved with the All America Selections board. She is a design and horticulture judge with the Garden Clubs of Ontario and Royal Botanical Gardens, and was a judge at our September Flower Show.
Topic: Divas at Your Doorsteps
Connie's activities in the Trial Gardens in 2015 resulted in finding the best new flowers and vegetables for 2016. These are the ones that shout out "Hey Look at Me!". You will get to see and hear about them. She'll also share with us what's involved in the business, show you the Trial Beds from 2015, and encourage you to join the Million Pollinator Garden Network. |