Grimsby Garden Club - NewsFlash June 2015

Meeting:  June 29 2015 7:00pm social start

Speaker: Shari-Lyn Safir is a master gardener, both an American and Canadian rosarian, and a noted rose judge. She lectures extensively and loves to share her passion and knowledge of the secrets on growing gorgeous roses organically. 

Topic: Everything's Coming Up Roses - hear about these incredible flowers and get loads of useful advice on how to grow them successfully the organic way.

Whistling Gardens

The Whistling Gardens tour bus departs from 18 Livingston Ave(Seniors' Centre) at 8:30am on Saturday June 27th. Please arrive before 8:15. Also note that we are members of the Ontario Horticultural Association, who provide our liability insurance coverage. There is a requirement that anyone on the Bus Tour must sign the Bus Tour waiver prior to getting on the bus.

Trillium Awards 
Get ready...The Grimsby Garden Club is on its way to start looking for the prettiest gardens in Grimsby! From July 19th to July 26th, member volunteers will be judging the area of town garden that is visible from the street. Winning gardens are based on curb appeal, colour, design and maintenance. Extra points are given for "green" gardening practices.

The Trillium Awards recognize citizens who help foster pride in their neighborhoods with their gardening and landscaping efforts. The awards are presented by the mayor at the Town Hall in September.

We need member volunteers to judge the gardens in the Town of Grimsby, including businesses, churches, etc.

It only takes a few hours for a pair to judge each area. To volunteer call Mary at 905-309-9624.  Volunteer packages will be ready for distribution at the June 29 meeting.

Plant Sale Success
We are grateful and appreciative of all the participants in our May 30th plant sale this year.  We had many hands in many activities - digging plants, organizing the sale event, working on the set-up day and on the sale day. Thanks so much to Peter Carr-Locke, our plant sale chair.

Elm Street Beds
There's a new garden on Elm Street outside the LCBO.  Under the direction of Lauren Doig, the beds were entirely rejuvenated and now showcase roses and hydrangeas, along with a mosaic culture "G".  Please stop by to smell the roses and enjoy this delightful new garden. 

Garden & Heritage Tour July 18 @2:00pm - 9:00pm 
Our own Painted Ladies are on the tour for the Stephen Lewis Foundation presented by Blooms for Africa.  Tours of gardens, Grimsby Beach "Painted Ladies", Lakefront Parks, Museum, Historic Church & Cemetery. The GGC will have a booth. Drop in to the Pump House where we will be selling memberships and hosting a raffle with proceeds to the tour.  Sign up at the June meeting or call Mary at 905-309-9624 for garden art, baskets, stained glass, etc.  Tour tickets ($20.00) and information are available at 905-527-0470.  Tickets will be on sale at our June meeting.

More Events:
June 15-19 Garden Ontario Week - Squirrel House Garden guided tours 

July 3,4,5 OHA Convention - Redeemer College Ancaster, ON 

July 4,5 Delphinium Festival - Plant Paradise Caledon, ON 
Saturday, July 11 to Wednesday, July 22 Hamilton Open Gardens Week
July 25,26 Buffalo Garden Walk