Grimsby Garden Club Plant Sale Success

Saturday, May 30th was a perfect day for the Grimsby Garden Club Plant Sale - sunny and warm.  There were lots of plants for those who came to buy.  Members dug plants from their gardens to share.  Wholesalers and retailers donated plants.  

We were very fortunate to have donations from our local wholesalers and retailers.  These make a big difference to the sale and help us raise money for our community endeavours. 

Thanks to the following:

Cole's Florist and Garden Centre
Freeman Herbs
Grandmothers to Grandmothers (Stephen Lewis Foundation) Grimsby Garden Tour ticket
Old Towne Gardens 
Ridgeview Garden Centre
Trillium Hill Greenhouses
Van Noort Bulb
Valleybrook Gardens
Vineland Nurseries 

Here's part of our Van Noort donation:

President Beth Sommers:

Our signs let people know we had received donations:

Liz Willson showing off the Cole's donation:

Freeman Herbs donated rosemary and basil.

One of our raffle winners. Lara, with her Trillium Hill Greenhouses stephanotis: