Photography Show and Competition April 27, 2015

A reminder about our Photography Show and Competition - this month at the Monday, April 27 meeting.

Photography Show and Competition

Show entries may be placed any time after 6:15pm up to 7:15pm

Please do not remove until 9:30pm

1.      Photos must be taken by the exhibitor within the last 24 months. 
2.     Prints may not have been be submitted to any previous GGC or District 9 photographic       competitions.
3.     One entry per Class per exhibitor is permitted.
4.     All prints must incorporate some horticultural content. Some latitude permitted in class 
5.     Prints may be in colour or black and white.
6.    For purposes of adjudication, no distinction will be made between black and white and colour images.
7.     For purposes of adjudication, no distinction will be made between images produced from digital or film origins.
8.    Actual prints (portion submitted on photographic paper) must be a minimum of 4” x 4” and not exceed 4” x 6”.
9.    Discretion is advised regarding the inclusion of people and pets in photographs submitted for adjudication.
10.  Prints must be mounted on a 5” x 7” piece of white cardboard or paper.
11.    Affix entry tag to the bottom right corner of photo.

1.              “Solitary Beauty”-  Portrait – single bloom
2.              “Autumn Interest”
3.              “Kitchen Harvest” - Edible
4.             “Little Fellows” - Insect(s) or Bird(s)
5.              “A Garden Scene”
6.             “It’s Up to You” - Member’s Choice

For more information:

Marilyn Cornwell             905-309-0306